4th - 8th Grades

image4Teacher: Mrs. Debbey Cozzone This is Mrs. Cozzone’s second year at GTCS. Mrs. Cozzone received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education from Syracuse University and her Master’s of Education from Concordia University. Mrs. Cozzone has 38 years experience serving in the educational field in public, private, and Christian school settings. Mrs. Cozzone’s husband of 31 years is a pastor and owns an elevator parts company. Mr. and Mrs. Cozzone have five adult children.

Besides teaching, Mrs. Cozzone enjoys reading, traveling, and exploring with her husband, along with most outdoor activities. Mrs. Cozzone’s passion is teaching, and her relationship with God is the center of her life. She is teaching upper elementary and middle school classes. In addition, Mrs. Cozzone serves as our accreditation specialist, preschool director, and Friday enrichment coordinator.

image7Math/P.E. Teacher:  Mr. Stefan Gerville-Reache

Mr. Stefan Gerville-Reache. Mr. Reache is teaching upper elementary and middle school math for GTCS. Mr. Reache is a native of Dickson County and graduated from Dickson County High School in 2002. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the United States Military Academy, West Point, in 2006. Mr. Reache served in the active duty Army as an Engineer officer and did a tour of duty in Iraq in 2008. Mr. Reache is married to his wife, Sevita. They have one son, Asher, and they are expecting their second son in July. In addition to his degree from West Point, Mr. Reache earned a Master of Divinity from Liberty University in 2012.

Mr. Reache is passionate about education and investing in students at Greater Things Christian School. He invests in students and helps them study and understand the complexities of Math.  He also teaches daily P.E. courses.  Mr. Reache served as a Chaplain in the Army Reserves.  After starting his military career as an engineer officer, God called him into the ministry while serving a tour of duty Iraq.  Mr. Reache loves Christ and feels called to serve and teach students at our school.

mr.-harrisBible, History, Science Teacher:  Mr. Chris Harris

4-Day School Week: Elementary students are required to attend class four days per week at GTCS: Monday-Thursday, from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.  Our Friday enrichment program is available for those who desire a 5-Day/week option.

Classroom Size:  We value each individual student and are committed to keep class size low in order to have a small student to teacher ratio.

Activities: Upper elementary and middle school students at GTCS participate in daily hands-on classroom activities; occasional field trips and special theme days; weekly drama, music, art; daily P.E.; and seasonal sports, such as flag football, basketball, volleyball, and golf.
GTCS hosts and participates in ACSI academic competitive events, such as spelling bees, science fairs, math Olympics, art, and writing.

Curriculum:  We use a variety of curriculum resources for fourth-eighth grades. These include the following: BJU Press for math, Mosdos literature, Abeka grammar/spelling, interactive online resources, Studies Weekly, etc.

Academics: Students in 4th-8th grades will build on topics learned in previous grades.  Students will learn through reading, practice, projects, presentations, computer-guided learning, experiments, etc.

Parent Involvement: We encourage parent involvement at GTCS.  We are thankful for the parents who have partnered with us for the purpose of educating their children, and we encourage them to be involved in classroom projects, trips, activities, and the school’s Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF). Parents are able to see teacher lesson plans each week and view grades throughout each grading period by using their RenWeb log in.