Teacher: Miss Angel Bradley
Miss Bradley earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with an emphasis and certification in Elementary Education from Kentucky Mountain Bible College. She has taught kindergarten in addition to her student teaching and tutoring experience.
Curriculum: Kindergarten curriculum publishers includes Abeka, Purposeful Design, Houghton Mifflin, and Studies Weekly. Students are taught manuscript writing and phonics-based reading. They will learn to count and write numbers up to 100, add facts, count money, and tell time. Students will learn about community helpers, weather, life science, seasons, calendars, important historical figures/facts, character development, etc.
Classroom Size: We value each individual student and are committed to keep class size low (12-16 students), in order to have a small student to teacher ratio.
Activities: Kindergarten students have daily center-time activities, calendar time, music, craft projects, and other hands-on classroom activities; weekly art, music, and drama classes; occasional field trips and special theme days; and seasonal sports, such as flag football and soccer.
4-Day School Week: Kindergarten students are required to attend class four days per week at GTCS: Monday-Thursday, from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Our Friday enrichment program is available for those who desire a 5-day/week option.
Parent Involvement: We encourage parent involvement at GTCS. We are thankful for the parents who have partnered with us for the purpose of educating their children, and we encourage them to be involved in classroom projects, trips, activities, and the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF). Teachers periodically communicate with parents via email, and parents are able to see teacher lesson plans each week using their RenWeb login.